Black or White color, Size - M Add the logo on the cart for making your OEM logo!!!!
Card paper bag V-27x22x10cm (500 pcs)@HKD3/pc
Unit price is in USD = HKD (x7.8)
價格以美金計算,若換算成港幣就 (x7.8)
Hong Kong clients - Delivery fee will be collected by our express approx. HKD200(S), HKD300(M), HKD400(L) per 500 pcs香港客户運費到付大約每500件-HKD200(S), HKD300(M), HKD400(L)Oversea clients - Please confirm with us for the shipping cost before complete the order. Please kindly click the red button above for how to do it well.
24 hrs contact
WhatsApp: 852-95755545
Mobile: 852-95755545
Skype: jason.bigi