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Material: Solid pine wood - Splicing wood 實木拼接
Color: default or customize 


Price: LxWxH

60x40x85- HKD2199
70x40x85- HKD2399
80x40x85- HKD2599
90x40x85- HKD2699
100x40x85- HKD2899




Packing way: Foam+carton+Wood cage


*Right now we don't provide any showroom, sorry for any inconvenience caused


*免責聲明: 由於本產品是用人手打造,在生產過程中有機會出現瑕疵,客戶於購買前請多加注意。


付款方式. (傢俬)


親愛的顧客們,請你透過以下任何一種付款方式過數,然後留低詳細送貨地址,姓名及手提電話,一般貨品我們會在10-15個工作天透過速遞公司送達, 免運費
*實木傢俬會存在一定程度的天然木疤, 木洞。 出現地方不能夠準確控制, 我們會盡量做到最少化


*我們會於收到付款後七個工作天內跟客戶用圖片方式確認所有傢俬質素, 客戶確認沒有問題後我們才送貨, 若有問題我們會再更改


Delivery terms

B貨物送住宅- 速遞公司送貨時收取20港幣
C貨物送偏遠地區-(東涌,大嶼山,愉景灣,長洲,東平洲,機場,梅窩,大澳,唐福,貝澳)- 會收取200港幣

*本公司只能盡量配合客戶收貨時間,詳細送貨時間要由速遞公司安排, 不便之處敬請見諒


Payment way

1. ATM櫃員機過數及網上付款 

-HSBC 匯豐
Name :BiGi Hangers & Accessories Company Limited
A/C no.: 817-353576-838


2.BOC 中銀
Name:Chan Ka Ming
A/C no.: 0313-8610199952

*客戶亦可以用Alipay傳送款項到以上ATM 帳號


3.FPS (轉數快) 請輸入以下電郵地址

Name: BiGi Hangers & Accessories Company Limited


Our payment terms (furniture)


Dear clients, please complete your payment through one of the following ways, and leave your delivery address, phone no and contact person. Normally you will get the goods in around 10-15working days with free of delivery

*Goods includes wood panel 
*We don’t provide refund or replacement for Furniture item
*There are some natural wood scar or cave on our furniture, we will try our best to minimize it.


*We will send the photos of the finished furniture for client approval before we deliver the goods*


Delivery way

A Deliver to commercial area - Free
B Deliver to resident area - HKD20 collect 
C Deliver to remote island area - (Cheung Chau, Discovery Bay, Mui Wo, Peng Chau, Lamma Island, Tai O, Tong Fuk, Pui O and Airport ) - HKD200 collect


*if client locates the house or village where is not providing the lift, courier will just hand-over to you on ground floor
*we just can try to fulfill client’s pick up time and date but which is subject to courier arrangement.


1.HSBC (ATM or online banking)
Name :BiGi Hangers & Accessories Company Limited
A/C no.: 817-353576-838


2.BOC (ATM or online banking)
Name:Chan Ka Ming
A/C no.: 0313-8610199952

@ Client also can use Alipay transfer to above ATM account  @


3.FPS (pls enter the following email)

Name: BiGi Hangers & Accessories Company Limited



1 :注意餐桌椅表面的清潔維護。定時用純棉幹軟布輕輕拭去表面浮塵,每隔一段時間,用擰乾水分的濕棉絲將餐桌椅犄角旮旯處的積塵細細揩淨,再用潔淨的干軟細棉布揩。避免用酒精、汽油或其他化學溶劑除污漬。
2 :餐桌椅表面如有污漬,千萬不可使勁猛擦,可用溫茶水將污漬輕輕去除,等到水分揮發後在原部位塗上少許光蠟,然後輕盈地磨拭幾次以形成保護膜。
3 :避免硬物劃傷。打掃衛生時,勿使清潔工具觸及餐桌椅,平時要注意,不要讓堅硬的金屬製品或其他利器碰撞餐桌椅,保護其表面不出現碰傷痕跡。
4 :避免潮濕環境。夏季如室內泛潮,宜使用薄膠墊將餐桌椅同地面接觸的部位隔開,同時讓餐桌椅的靠牆部位同牆壁保持 0.5-1 厘米距離的間隙。
5 :遠離熱源。冬季裡,最好將餐桌椅擺放在距離取暖流 1 米左右的地方,避免長時間的烘烤,使木材發生局部乾裂,變曲變形及漆膜出現局部變質。
6 :避免陽光直射。應盡量避免室外陽光對餐桌椅整體或局部的長時間暴晒,所以最好擺放在能躲開陽光照進來的地方。這樣,既不影響室內採光,又保護了室內餐桌椅。

BIGI 美式復古 進口實木 鐵藝餐車手推車 America style vintage imported solid wood dinning trolley

  • 24 hrs contact 

    WhatsApp: 852-95755545

    Mobile: 852-95755545

    Skype: jason.bigi


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